How To Fix invert Upside Down Screen After Installing A Custom ROM

Fix Screen Rotation.

So you guys have got a upside down screen or a different rotation after flashing a ROM ? This is Generally cause by flashing MIUI and other chinese ROMs or that ROM if its Ported for your Device .

I have a Fix for that too...

The Fix :

1. Install Root Browser or any other root file browser from Play Store. Better if you use Build.prop editor.

2.Allow Root permission and Navigate to the "system" folder without ""

3. Find "build.prop" without ""

4. Open "build.prop" with a text editor, Just click on it and select text editor or something like that.

5. After opening it find this line : "ro.sf.hwrotation=X" without "" where. X is equal to180 or. 0.

6. If the value is180. then change it to 0

7. If the value is. 0 then change it to180

8. Now save it.

9. RebootAfter reboot your screen should be fixed now.

10. Now enjoy with your favorite ROM..



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