How To Create Your Own Best LockScreen App On Your Android

How To Create Your Own LockScreen app On Your Android

T he method is simple and straight and depends on a cool android app that will allow you to create your own lock screen very easily. So have a look on steps below to implement this in your android.

F eatures Of The App:

T housands of New Lock Screens themes for your android. Fully customizable Widgets for your device.

N o need to install any extra theme app after it.

C ool Full HD themes that can be created in partnership with amazing artists in the app. Different Categories for every theme, easy to browse out any.

S teps For Creating An Amazing lockScreen For Your Android Device:

#1 First of all you need to download and install a cool android app Lock Screen Club: HD Themes in your android it Google playstore coz our file size is small to occupy it here

#2 Now after installing app lauch the app and there tap on create a new theme option and select different artist designs to set as your theme.

#3 Now you can create your desired theme for your lock screen by adjusting layout and appearances there.

#4 When you are done simple click on tick sign button there.

#5 Thats it you are done and your theme will get saved and is now available to set in your lockscreen.

A ny prob,just drop your comments


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