Increasing browsing and Downloading speed on Symbian s60v3 and s60v5 mobiles s60v3 and s60v5 Phone is Not New thing To Some People buh I'm very Sure that 80% Of Fellow Gurusian dnt know it. =>Do You Know You can increase Your Browsing and Downloading speed to a great extent without any apllication, even in Poor Network area. All You need to do is to make slight changes in Your Settings.... Steps: 1. go to SETINGS then 2.After that go to PHONE SETTING>> APPLICATION SETTINGS, then >> POSITIONING >> POSITIONING SERVER and change it to h- Copy and Paste it Thats it. Now restart your phone And enjoy the Speed........ !! Tested by Me and my friends . o.k on nokia n72, e63, c5, nokia 500 ,e72 5800Xm , 5233 and n8..... =>This works for mobile operator After making these setting aircel ,airtel gives me only 20-30 kbps on 2G and now it giving downloading speed of constant 65-80 Kbps.. For proof use the Defult native browser in Nokia phon...